Go therefore and make disciples of all nations
Matthew 28:19
We are dedicated to bringing hope and healing to people everywhere. First, we seek to train and resource leaders in our neighborhoods and local communities. About 75 percent of our neighbors have no church home or relationship with Jesus. We believe that our communities are some of the most neglected mission fields in America. In addition we support several missionaries in the US and aboard. We plan long distance trips for youth, young adults and seniors.

From Haiti, from Liberia, from the Upper Peninsula of Michigan, from Downtown Wyandotte - people are in need. In need of food, in need of decent housing, in need of supportive friends, in need of a relationship with our Lord, Jesus Christ. You can be an answer to someone’s prayers by helping with mission projects at Wyandotte First United Methodist Church. You can:
Note items for newborn babies
Buy a blanket for people in disasters
Support people going on a mission trip
Pack bag lunches for homeless in Detroit
Sew a dress for little girls in Africa
Contribute to holiday food baskets
Walk for Children’s Hunger Relief
Donate socks for the homeless
Invite a friend to church
This is just the tip of the iceberg of the missions we accomplish as a Church. Where do you fit in? For more information, call the Church at 734-282-9222 or ask for Lois McIntyre. Remember: “THROUGH MISSIONS YOU WITNESS YOUR FAITH TO THE WORLD.”
Note items for newborn babies
Buy a blanket for people in disasters
Support people going on a mission trip
Pack bag lunches for homeless in Detroit
Sew a dress for little girls in Africa
Contribute to holiday food baskets
Walk for Children’s Hunger Relief
Donate socks for the homeless
Invite a friend to church
This is just the tip of the iceberg of the missions we accomplish as a Church. Where do you fit in? For more information, call the Church at 734-282-9222 or ask for Lois McIntyre. Remember: “THROUGH MISSIONS YOU WITNESS YOUR FAITH TO THE WORLD.”
N.O.A.H. (Networking, Organizing, and Advocating for the Homeless)
Wyandotte First UMC is a proud support of NOAH at Central, a non-profit organization dedicated to compassionately ending homelessness in Detroit. Their vision statement is “We believe that through hospitality and ongoing relationships founded on trust and acceptance, we can create transformational change in our community.” Three times each year, we gather at 8:30 a.m. in Fellowship Hall on the given Sunday and put together 300 bag lunches which include: a sandwich, a salty treat, a sweet treat, and a juice drink. It’s a great time to gather with Church friends while we put these bag lunches together, and it’s a worthy cause. If you’re interested in helping, please contact Julie Taylor, the NOAH coordinator for our Church, at 734-250-0159. For more information about NOAH at Central, please visit their website at:
Active Missionaries

Randy Hildebrandt
Randy coordinates a myriad of projects that help a multitude of people with housing, food, beds, blankets, and clothing. In addition, he organizes opportunities for congregations from all over the state of Michigan to be involved with hands-on mission.
Hildebrant, is the Director of God’s Country Cooperative Parish (GCCP). “The seven churches combine their resources, share their faith, and actively work to bring self-esteem, hope, and the love of God to all throughout the Parish.”
Hildebrant, is the Director of God’s Country Cooperative Parish (GCCP). “The seven churches combine their resources, share their faith, and actively work to bring self-esteem, hope, and the love of God to all throughout the Parish.”
Join the mission
Serve the Kingdom on our upcoming Youth & Young Adult mission trip to Mountain T.O.P. (TN) July of 2022
Wyandotte First's Youth and Young Adults have traveled to Spencer, TN many times to work in the rural communities of the Cumberland Mountains at Mountain T.O.P.
Mountain T.O.P. is a partnership ministry with a goal to help meet the physical, social, emotional, and spiritual needs of all people we encounter. To achieve this goal, we offer a variety of mission-based programs for youth and adults. Participants can choose to serve with Mountain T.O.P. through home repair projects or day camp programs.
Mountain T.O.P. is a partnership ministry with a goal to help meet the physical, social, emotional, and spiritual needs of all people we encounter. To achieve this goal, we offer a variety of mission-based programs for youth and adults. Participants can choose to serve with Mountain T.O.P. through home repair projects or day camp programs.